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How to Make Appetizing Dopplebock "Chocobock"

Dopplebock "Chocobock". Broken Compass / Maplewood ChocoBock may not be available near you. Follow this beer to get notified when it's available nearby, try searching in a different area, or discover some similar beer.. chocobock (LAS). Уровень. Главная. > chocobock (las). Обзор. Brew your own Samuel Adams chocolate bock for the coming winter months. #homebrew.

Dopplebock "Chocobock" It's liquid chocolate that gets you drunk. Muttnik Porter – The "puppy chow porter" from Hugo's production brewery. Come taste the stars with Katie and Cathy as they try Cosmos Brewing from Hugo, MN. You can have Dopplebock "Chocobock" using 14 ingredients and 17 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Dopplebock "Chocobock"

  1. Prepare of beer.
  2. It’s of dark grains milled.
  3. It’s of 60L milled.
  4. You need of 2 row milled.
  5. You need of dark munch DME.
  6. Prepare of Belgian candy sugar.
  7. It’s of of oat flake.
  8. Prepare of briess carapils.
  9. Prepare of Safale S-04 dry ale yeast.
  10. It’s of saaz hops.
  11. You need of spring water.
  12. Prepare of cacao nib.
  13. It’s of vodka.
  14. You need of muslin bag.

The line up includes: Martian Rambler Amber, Crispy Dream Imperial Cream Ale, ChocoBock.

Dopplebock "Chocobock" instructions

  1. Boil 3 gals of spring water and steep all your grains in a muslin bag for 1 hour with the heat off, after the hour let your grains drain, don't squeeze the grains..
  2. Add your DME and stir in to your wort.
  3. Turn the heat on high and bring to a boil, keep stirring the pot so it will not burn.
  4. Keep water on hand to add to the wort after a few mins it will start to foam up " hot break ". Just add a bit of water and keep stirring till it stops..
  5. After the hot break turn the heat down to a slow boil, add your hops and boil for 45 mins. Stirring the pot every now and then.
  6. After 45 mins add your Belgian candy sugar and cook for 15 more mins.
  7. After the boil cool your wort down as fast as you can in a ice bath or wort chiller till you reach 80 degrees.
  8. After wort has cooled add it to a for manning bucket that has been lined with a strainer to collect all the hops and other stuff in it.
  9. Aerate your wort with your other jugs of cold water and stir with a spoon to at oxygen to the wort.
  10. At this time you can take your gravity reading. OG 1.072.
  11. Add your yeast to the top and with a lid and a airlock.
  12. Let your ferment for two weeks.
  13. After two weeks take another reading.
  14. add your cacao nib that has been soaking in the vodka for 24 hours to your secondary fermenter and transfer and let your beer sit on it for a week or two.
  15. After a week or two take a reading and if it hits your number FG 1.012 time bottle.
  16. Add 5 oz of priming sugar and bottle. Your beer.
  17. If you have any questions please send me a massage.

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