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Recipe Delicious Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck

Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck.

Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck You can cook Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck

  1. You need of preserved duck drumstick.
  2. You need of garlic.
  3. It’s of light soy sauce.
  4. It’s of grated carrots.
  5. It’s of Sugar snap pea.

Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot With Preserved Duck step by step

  1. Blanch with hot water the preserved duck then Steam the preserved duck for full 30 minutes.
  2. In pan add garlic and Thinly slice the cooked preserved duck and stir fry for a minute then add light soy sauce and mix well then add sugar snap pea and stir fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Add the grated carrot and off heat and mix well then serve.

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